Hello there .... :)
I know it is been a long time .. but I really was busy recently doing some stuff for my family .. now I'm back to the game ;)
We have stopped at the letter "T" of the word ACTION after we did talk about the letter "C" and "A" in
previous posts ..
1/ Organaize your life !! ...
2/ Don't Make a Tight Schedule ..
3/ No Excuses ...
I know it is been a long time .. but I really was busy recently doing some stuff for my family .. now I'm back to the game ;)
We have stopped at the letter "T" of the word ACTION after we did talk about the letter "C" and "A" in
previous posts ..
The letter T stands for Time Management ... Nowadays, in our world, everyday of our lives can make a difference, and to make that desired difference we need to fully optimize the time and try to consume some more of it on what gets us closer to achieving our goals. But, because of the carelessness and the hectic daily life, we tend to ignore this important element .. So here I am going to give you some good tips about how manage your time efficiently ...
1/ Organaize your life !! ...
Organizing includes everything .. Organizing your stuff, clothes, books and everything ! spend sometime organizing them .. It is really clear that being organized would save most of the time which could be spent of other tasks throughout the day.
2/ Don't Make a Tight Schedule ..
We all know. So what called "perfect" actually does not exist .. So don't try to make a very perfect schedule where there is no minute without planning .. It is not going to work out ... be more realistic with planning your day.
3/ No Excuses ...
Don't make any lame excuse for breaking your day plan .. keep it firm the way u planned it .. having a strong commitment will assure keeping you the right path to success ....