Hi everyone ....
I want to be rich!! Everyone wants to be rich. But, unfortunately not all the people who want to be rich become rich !Why ? Because simply they don't really know how to truly want something. Just the people who truly understand the meaning of wanting something could get what they wanted. Here I am going to share with you the true and deep meaning of "WANT-ING" anything you desire in life :-
To want something ...
You must want it as bad as you want to breath to live! Imagine that you are drowning down the water. What is the first thing you going to think about while you are drowning? "Breathing" .. Would you think of anything else? "I Don't really think so" .. If you want to achieve something you must want it as bad as you want to breath if you were under the water.Because you know if you don't breath you will die so you going to push yourself to the maximum limit to breath and the same thing should be to get what you want in life!
To want something ...
You must be willing to give up who you are for who you want to become. Most people really want something but they are not willing to give up for that even their pleasure time or even the dating stuff. willing to leave what consumes up your time like; texting, dating, sleeping, is one of the important thing to truly want something and people fail at this point. To get something you need to sacrifice and how much you sacrifice show how truly you want something .
To want something ...
You must bear the Pain of the journey of reaching what you want. Pain is essential, but at the end is going to subside and something else will take its place, The Success! .. but if you failed bearing the Pain, wither it might not resign easily or it will last forever!
Bearing the three in mind and acting upon them,I can guarantee you your life is going to be full of success and greatness ..