Hi everyone ... :) It is a followup post for my last post about positivity.
I always used to here about how important to be positive minded, not to mention what is going to happen when you have sort of negative thoughts. They said "like attracts like" but I was wondering, Why does it attract it? and what about the other people around me? If I'm positive and they are negative so who is going to attract the other ? .. even after watching the movie "The Secret : The Law Of Attraction" and reading its book, I still had those questions in mind ...
I'm so proud to say that I got the answer of this! I was doing a research before under one of my elective subjects in my university about a new science called "Quantum Physics". At the beginning, the name sounded so cool for me, but when I started reading and researching ! I was like ! Seriously, it opens a new way of thinking and it suggests very unbelievable laws.
One of the theories of that science is that this whole universe is just an illusion! In fact, everything in this universe is infinity interconnected and we all belong to a one object and there is no such thing called separation. We all belong to that one single object like one single entity! and it has been proven some how by the scientists. and in such situation, the time and space will have no meaning at all since we all belong and united with that object. The question that is going to raise up in mind is that " So Why do we feel the space and time?"
The Consciousness, is the reason .. Consciousness has the power of perceiving what our five senses are receiving. It is like the mind receiving signals and it act upon those signals by executing the related codes( which was been saved in mind) to those signals as a response to produce what we see, hear, smell, taste, sense and feel .. everything you feel or see is just a production of the Consciousness! and the feeling of time and space is also a production of consciousness. Hence that the feeling of the space and time is just also a production of our consciousness where in the very deep level of reality, time and space are no fundamentals.
Consciousness is a part of the mind that has the ability to perceive thoughts. Also, consciousness could be refined by the type of thoughts you are having. Bearing that in mind and knowing consciousness is the part which is responsible about what we see, feel and all the other senses, we can say that the quantum physics proves the theory of the positive mentality, where whatever you think about or imagine is going to refine your consciousness and it will produce your life scenes based on those thoughts.
Get yourself out of the negativity .. You own the world with your THOUGHTS !!