Improve your level of knowledge ..
Improving your knowledge in a certain field means trying hard enough to be the best of the game "your field". Achieving that would open a new door of opportunities for you. It is a hard task to do unless you do in a field that you love the most. Trying to improve yourself in a filed you are so obsessed about would make the fire of your enthusiasm lasts longer.
Improve your Communication Skills ..
I always used to hear that " Good Communicators are good leaders & Great Communicators are Great leaders". Indeed. Because when you have a good way of communicating with others. You are establishing a channel where the people are your subscribers for that channel, and all what you have to do is to spread whatever a message that you want and people will be well receivers and respondent for you. That is when you become a leader!
Improve your relationship ..
What I mean by relationship here is that any relationship with any human being. Even your friendship, you have to improve it so you can build a vast and subtle network. Having a big and strong network is helpful where you can spread your idea and messages easily in a short time because of the vast network you have established already.